"The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed" -Chamfort

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Two Jarvii and a Blog

Well, it looks like we've decided to enter the enchanted world of blogging. Treat us nicely, please. When I say "us" I'm referring to Brett and Hannah. We're the Jarvis', or more formally, the Jarvii. How did we become the Jarvii? That's a good question.

Hannah was born in The Netherlands and grew up in Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania. The summer before she started high school her family moved to Reno, Nevada. She graduated in 2008 and came to Rexburg to go to BYU-Idaho. Now Hannah's in her second to last semester and is spewing with excitement and more than ready to graduate with a Bachelor's in Health Science and a minor in Dance. Woot woot. 

Brett was born in Rexburg and hasn't left since. He's had a good life.

Actually, not. He was indeed born in Rexburg and has had a good life for sure, but a little more has gone down in between. He lived a few years in Utah while Grandpa Jarvis (and by "Grandpa Jarvis" I only mean Dan, Brett's dad. He's not actually a grandpa or anywhere close to being one (as far as we know) but I thought it'd be funny to throw him for a loop when he reads this because, well, it's probably gonna happen someday) went to school at BYU until the fam moved back to Boise, Idaho when Brett was 8. Brett graduated from high school in 2006 and went on a mission to Argentina. After his mission he returned to Rexburg and started going to school.

In the fall of 2009 Hannah began her fourth semester. Things were fairly normal before classes started when she went to the Bookstore to get her textbooks. Little did she know that her wildest and most horrific dreams were about to come true. 

Brett was broke. He had no money. He conceded to becoming one of the most hated people on Earth: a salesman in the Bookstore for the Starving Student Card. It was terrible but the pain was lost once he laid eyes on Hannah. His heart stopped. He started sweating profusely. His knees shook and all he could get to come out of his mouth was, "wanna buy a Starving Student Card?" Hannah smiled, said "no" and kept walking. Brett was heartbroken, but wasn't about to give up.

The next few days were magical. We ran into each other everywhere: the grocery store, on campus, walking across the street. For Brett, it felt like fate. For Hannah, it was creepy. Finally Brett got up the courage to ask Hannah to sew his jeans for him. (Clever, I know). That same night we started talking on facebook and the next week we started dating.

We dated for the next 7 months and got engaged over Memorial Day Weekend...at 2 p.m...in Hannah's parents' garage. (No for reals...her little sister brought the trash out to the dumpster while we were still all happy and bubbly, with tears of pure joy running down our cheeks.)

We were married on November 20, 2010 in the Reno, Nevada LDS Temple. We've now been hitched a little over 4 months and it's been wonderful. No kids yet, but we do have two bikes, which we're looking forward to riding during the two weeks of summer here in Rexburg.

And that's us--Brett and Hannah Jarvis.